■ media.vanityfair.com/photos/58731faf5848214745d86933/master/w_690,c_limit/andrew-emma.gif ■ In an alternate world, we are standing side by side with genuine smiles plastered to our faces. Our hands intertwined just like our fates. But we are not in that auxiliary universe, in our reality we cross different paths and avoid one another on the street. In this world, we will never be given the chance to grant each other the graces of the words ‘I love you’ Our red string of fate has snapped and we have been pushed to walk different roads. Now the only words I can mutter out, are not the three words we both have been waiting for, but a two worded sentence that will break our hearts for all of eternity I’m sorry. Don’t expect people to walk through fire for you ▬ not your parents, not your friends, not the person you are in love with. Love doesn’t mean sacrifice, love shouldn’t mean sacrifice. Don’t expect someone to give away pieces of them, so they could fit you better. And don’t feel hurt when they refuse to, it’s self-preservation. Instead learn from them. ■ Random challenge.
Hi, cutie-pie! În primul rând, vreau să îţi urez multă baftă cu challenge-ul. Îmi plac pozele pe care le-ai pus până acum, cât şi edit-ul folosit. Vanessa este una dintre persoanele pe care le ador, are o frumuseţe răpitoare, plus multe alte calităţi valoroase. Poza cu Alex şi Izzie mi-a răscolit amintirile, ducându-mă cu gândul la Grey's. Unul dintre serialele mele de suflet, probabil s-a numărat şi printre primele seriale vizionate de către mine, personajul preferat fiind chiar Izzie! Sunt nerăbdătoare să mai văd şi pozele ce vor urma, sper doar să te ţii de challenge, kisses♡
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Mult succes în continuare, honey!
Succes în continuare ;3
Succes cu challenge'ul!♡
e mic şi adorabil :(